Monday, April 20, 2009

So much going on!

I have ordered more dye chemicals and more dye.

The silk scarves came, I have three in the apricot safflower bath, and six soaking so I can put three in the yellow safflower bath and three in the red. The last three will go into the indigo vat, which went out on the back porch this morning to bask in the sun.

I really like the marbled, watery look of my earlier bamboo experiments, but I can't have them bleeding all over or fading away to nothing. I'm trying a soak in nitrogen solution to stabilize the color the way it is. The bamboo I dyed the other day is drying and looks great!

I'm still waiting for all that yarn. Any day now...

That's about it. I wanted to blend fiber today but didn't get there. Tomorrow's busy. I packaged a ton of finished fiber but now have to make labels.

No photo today. I've lost track of what I've already put up and what I haven't. More soon, though.

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