I had so much fun at the spinner's guild tonight! It was great to see everything that people had done with the egg dye challenge; one guy is a real overachiever; he dyed wool in all the different colors, spun each one up by itself, carded them all together and spun up the blends, and had them all organized around a giant embroidery hoop, with labels! Some other people trusted their precious silks to the egg dyes, with lovely results. I got to sit near Sue, who is one of the weaving teachers, and made a new friend of Ruth Ann. And, it's hard for the evening to go wrong when you sit down and look over, and there's someone spinning one of your batts that you had for sale.....
I had decided I was curious as to how Ashes of Roses would spin up. It was beautiful, but I'm not happy with the photos I took, so that will have to wait for daylight. Then, I was going to show you the batt my friend was spinning, and was stunned to learn I didn't have a photo of it; it's one of my first ones! So, I will leave you with Daffodil Shoots, a nice springy bamboo/merino blend, and I will have to dye up some more bright green so I can recreate Springtime in the Garden.
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